Manuals, writings and idea's from an techie.

Cleaning old kernels in Ubuntu

The safe way: sudo aptitude -F ‘%p’ search linux-{image,headers,restricted}-2.6~i | grep -v `uname -r | sed -r ‘s/-[a-z0-9A-Z]+$//’ or, if you’re feeling lucky: sudo aptitude -F ‘%p’ search linux-{image,headers,restricted}-2.6~i | grep -v `uname -r | sed -r ‘s/-[a-z0-9A-Z]+$//’` | xargs sudo aptitude purge -y

How to configure Rendezvous/Bonjour/ZeroConf in OpenBSD with avahi deamon

Since the howl package is no longer available, but the excellent avahi is, here’s how to install and configure it: (with an older OpenBSD system, you might want to check out: 1. run a pkg_info on avahi: Information for Comment: framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery Description: Avahi is a free, standards-compliant implementation […]